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The Institution does not employ, appoint or utilize the services of any agents/persons for admissions to any of its courses, beware of such agents/persons /advertizing blogs and fraudsters. Kindly note that the Institution will not be responsible for any of their actions.

Ragging :
Ragging within or outside the Educational Institutions is strictly prohibited. Ragging is a criminal offence under the Maharashtra Anti Ragging Act. To ensure strict compliance of the orders of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, for implementing the recommendations of the Raghvan Committee’s report, on Prevention of Ragging in Educational Institute, the KIMSDU has framed rules and regulations. Students involved in ragging will be subjected to disciplinary action.
Ragging in any form is a punishable offence. Committing this act of indiscipline, the concerned student shall be given liberty to explain and if his explanation is not found satisfactory, the authority would expel such students from the institution. In such events the rusticated student is liable to pay the total courses fees.