Yandex metrica Counter

Metric No. Title View
1.1.1 1. Outcome analysis of POs, COs View
2. Curricula implemented by the University View
3. link for Additional Information View
1.1.2 1.1.2 E Details of circulum revision View
1.1.3 1. MOUs with Institutions / Industries for offering these courses View
2. List of courses having focus on competency/ employability/ entrepreneurship/ skill-development View
3. Any other relevant documents
1.2.3 1.2.3 A academic council resolution for interdesciplinary courses 15-16 View
1.2.3 A academic council resolution for interdesciplinary courses 16-17 View
1.2.3 A academic council resolution for interdesciplinary courses 19-20 View
1.3.1 1 .List of courses that integrate crosscutting issues mentioned above View
2. Description of the courses which address Gender, Environment and Sustainability, Human Values, Health Determinants, Right to Health Issues, Emerging demographic changes and Professional Ethics in the Curricula Any other relevant information View
1.3.3 list of students as per the requirement in the template View
1.3.3 B Additional information View
1.3.4 1.Link for list of Programmes and number of students undertaking field visits / research projects / internships/Industry visits/Community postings View
1.4.3 B no of students View
1.4.1 Link for feedback report from stakeholders View
sample filled in structured feedback forms - 2015-2016 View
sample filled in structured feedback forms - 2016-2017 View
sample filled in structured feedback forms - 2017-2018 View
sample filled in structured feedback forms - 2018-2019 View
sample filled in structured feedback forms - 2019-2020 View
2.1.1 Final admission list published by the HEI View
2.1.1 G Anuual report duly certified by the head of the institution View
2.2.1 Details of outcome measures View
2.3.1 1. Link for List of student-centric methods used for enhancing learning Experiences View
3. Any other relevant information View
2.3.2 Link for additional information View
2.3.3 1. Link of the Details of ICT-enabled tools used for teaching and learning View
2. Link for list of teachers using ICT-tools View
3. Any other relevant Information
2.4.3 Experience certificate of full time teacher
Experience certificate of full time teacher View
3.1.3 Certified ecopies of the fellowship and supportive documents for collaborative studies View
3.1.3 D - 1 Financial support letters for conference participation View
3.1.3 D - 2 Conference Participation Certificate View
3.2.1 e-copies of grants awarded for clinical trials View
3.2.2 E-copeis of the grant award letters for research projects View
3.3.1 Geo-tag the facilities and innovations made View
3.3.2 1. Link of the reports of the events View
2. List of workshops/seminars on the above during the last 5 years View
3. Any other relevant information
3.4.1 Minutes of meetings of the relevant committees with reference to the code of ethics View
3.4.3 Technology transfer document View
Certified E-copies of the letters of award/publications (consolidated statements by the head of the institution View
Link for additional information View
Any additional information View
3.4.7 E-certificates of paper presented in conference View
3.5.1 1. List of the training / capacity building programmes conducted during the last 5 years. View
2. Link to the soft copy of the IPR and Consultancy Policy View
3. Minutes of the Governing Council/ Syndicate/Board of Management related to IPR and consultancy policy View
4. Any other relevant information
3.6.1 Reports of the events organized - 2015-2016 View
Reports of the events organized - 2016-2017 View
Reports of the events organized - 2017-2018 View
Reports of the events organized - 2018-2019 View
Reports of the events organized - 2019-2020 View
Photographs or any supporting document in relevance View
3.6.1 C Camp Feedback Letters View
Link for additional information - camp feedback letters - 2015-2016 View
Link for additional information - camp feedback letters - 2016-2017 View
Link for additional information - camp feedback letters - 2017-2018 View
Link for additional information - camp feedback letters - 2018-2019 View
Link for additional information - camp feedback letters - 2019-2020 View
Geo-tagged photographs of events / activities View
3.6.1 F - 1 Detailed program report for each extension and outreach program - 2015-2016 View
3.6.1 F - 2 Detailed program report for each extension and outreach program 2016-2017 View
3.6.1 F - 3 Detailed program report for each extension and outreach program 2017-2018 View
3.6.1 F - 4 Detailed program report for each extension and outreach program 2018-2019 View
3.6.1 F - 5 Detailed program report for each extension and outreach program 2019-2020 View
Description of participation by NSS/NCC/Red cross/YRC, Institutional clubs etc., year-wise for the last 5 years View
3.6.2 Reports of the events organized - 2015-2016 View
Reports of the events organized - 2016-2017 View
Reports of the events organized - 2017-2018 View
Reports of the events organized - 2018-2019 View
Reports of the events organized - 2019-2020 View
Geo tagged Photos of events and activities View
3.6.2 B Link for additional information View
Link for additional information Attendance extension outreach programs - 1 View
Link for additional information Attendance extension outreach programs - 2 View
Link for additional information Attendance extension outreach programs - 3 View
Additional Information View
3.6.3 Link for number of awards for extension activities in the last 5 years e-copy of the award letters View
Link for list of Government/other recognized bodies that have given the awards View
3.6.4 1. Geotagged photographs of Institutional social responsibility activities View
2. Link for additional information View
3.7.2 E-copies of linkage-related Documents View
4.1.1 1. Link for Teaching- learning and skills acquisition facilities in the Institution View
2. Geotagged photographs of the facilities View
4.1.2 1. Available sports and cultural facilities : Geotagging View
4.1.3 1. Photographs/ Geotagging of Campus facilities View
4.2.1 1. The facilities as per the stipulations of the respective Regulatory Bodies with Geotagging View
2. List of facilities available for patient care, teaching- learning and research with geotagged evidences View
3. Any other relevant information
4.2.2 1. Year-wise outpatient and inpatient statistics for the last 5 years View
2. Description of adequacy of outpatient and inpatient statistics as per the norms of the Regulatory Bodies (critical documents to be verified by DVV) View
3. Link to hospital records / Hospital Management Information System
4.3.1 1. Geotagged photographs View
2. Any other relevant information View
4.4.2 1. Documents relating to updation of IT and Wi-Fi facilities View
2. Any other relevant information View
4.4.4 1.The e-content development facilities View
2. Geotagged photographs View
5.1.2 Detailed report of the capacity enchancement programs and skill development schemes View
5.1.3 Year-wise list of students attending each of these schemes signed by competent authority View
List of student Certified by HOI benefited by guidance for competitive examinations and career advancement offered by the institution during the last five years View
5.2.3 Supporting data for student/alumni in prescribed format View
5.3.1 Certified e-copies of award letters and certificates. View
5.3.2 1.Student Council activities View
2. Any other relevant information View
6.1.1 1.Vision and mission documents approved by the Statutory Bodies View
2. Report of achievements which led to Institutional excellence View
6.1.2 1.Information / documents in support of the case study View
6.3.1 1. Link for Policy document on welfare measures View
2. Link for List of beneficiaries of welfare measures View
6.3.4 E Copies of Certificates of Year 2015-16 View
E Copies of Certificates of Year 2016-17 View
E Copies of Certificates of Year 2017-18 View
E Copies of Certificates of Year 2018-19 View
E Copies of Certificates of Year 2019-20 View
01. AR_15-16_WB View
02. AR_16-17_WB View
03. AR_17-18_WB View
04. AR 18-19 WB View
05. AR_19-20_WB View
7.1.1 1. Link for specific facilities provided for women in terms of: a. Safety and security View
2. Link for annual gender sensitization action plan View
7.1.10 Web link of the code of conduct View
7.1.11 1. Geotagged photographs of some of the events View
1.Link for annual report of the celebrations and commemorative events for the last five years View
7.1.2 Link to additional information View
7.1.4 1. Link for additional information View
3. Geo-tagged photographs/videos of the facilities View
7.1.5 1. Link to additional information View
3. Geo-tagged photos / videos of the facilities View
7.1.6 7.1.6 C Audit Reports of the institution View
7.1.6 C - 1 Energy Audit 2016 View
7.1.6 C - 2 Energy Audit 2019 View
7.1.6 C - 3 Environment 2019 View
7.1.6 C Green Audit 2019 View
7.1.7 2. Link for relevant geo-tagged photographs / videos View
7.1.8 1.Link to Supporting documents on the information provided (as reflected in the administrative and academic activities of the Institution) View
2. Any other relevant information. View
7.1.9 Link to details of activities that inculcate values , necessary to render students in to responsible citizens View
7.1.9 A 1 - details of activities that inculcate values View
7.1.9 A 2 - details of activities that inculcate values View
7.1.9 A 3 - details of activities that inculcate values View
2.1.3 previous degree/HSC Certificate - 2015-2016 View
previous degree/HSC Certificate - 2016-2017 View
previous degree/HSC Certificate - 2017-2018 View
previous degree/HSC Certificate - 2018-2019 View
previous degree/HSC Certificate - 2019-2020 View
E-copies of admission letters are issued to the students enrolled from other states / Countries 15-16 View
E-copies of admission letters are issued to the students enrolled from other states / Countries 16-17 View
E-copies of admission letters are issued to the students enrolled from other states / Countries 17-18 View
E-copies of admission letters are issued to the students enrolled from other states / Countries 18-19 View
E-copies of admission letters are issued to the students enrolled from other states / Countries 19-20 View
2.3.4 copy of circular pertaining to the details of mentor and their alloted mentees View
2.4.2 Copies of guide letters or authorization of research guide View
2.4.4 Web-link to the contents delivered by the faculty hosted in the HEI’s website View
Certificate of completion of training for development of and delivery of e-contents / video lectures / demonstrations View
2.4.5 Certified e-copies of award letters View
2.5.3 Provide links to the examination procedure and reevaluation procedure developed by the institution and duly hosted in the institution’s website View
Additional information C 1 View
Additional information C 2 View
2.5.3 C View
2.5.4 1. Details of examination reforms implemented during the last 5 years View
2. Any other relevant information
2.6.1 1. Relevant documents pertaining to learning outcomes and graduate attributes
2. Methods of the assessment of learning outcomes and graduate Attributes View
3. Any other relevant information
2.6.2 Link for additional information View
3.1.1 1. Minutes of the meetings of Governing Council/ Syndicate/Board of Management related to research promotion policy adoption
2.Document on Research promotion policy.
3. Any other relevant information
3.1.2 Any additional information View
3.1.4 3.1.4 E E-copies of fellowship award letters View
3.1.5 3.1.5 A - 1 - Central Research laboratory View
3.1.5 A - 2 - Central Animal House View
3.1.5 A - 3 - Museum View
3.1.5 A - 4 - Medicinal Plant Garden View
3.1.5 A - 5 - Photography and Statistical Lab View
3.1.5 D - 1 - Central Research Laboratory View
3.1.5 D - 2 - Animal House View
3.1.5 D - 3 - Medicinal Plant Garden View
3.1.5 D - 4 - Museum - Anatomy View
3.1.5 D - 5 - Museum - Biochemistry View
3.1.5 D - 6 - Museum - FMT View
3.1.5 D - 7 - Museum - Microbiology View
3.1.5 D - 8 - Museum - Pathology View
3.1.5 D - 9 - Museum - Pharmacology View
3.1.5 D - 10 - Museum - PSM View
3.1.5 D - 11 - Museum - School of Dental Science
3.1.5 D - 12 - Museum - Prosthetics and Orthotics from Physiotherapy
3.1.5 D - 13 - Media Laboratory / e- ResourceStudios View
3.1.5 D - 14 - Research / Statistical Databases View
3.1.5 D - 15 - Clinical Trial Centre View
3.1.5 D - 12 - Museum School of Dental Science View
3.1.5 D - 13 - Museum Prosthetics and Orthotics from Physiotherapy View
3.1.5 A View
3.1.6 e-version of departmental recognition award letters View
3.2.3 Link for the funding agency website View
E-copies of the grant award letters for research projects sponsored by non-government organizations View
3.3.4 Certified e-sanction order for the start-ups on campus View
3.4.2 Incentive details (link to the appropriate details on the Institutional website)
Link for additional Information View
3.4.2 G Incentive details View
3.4.2 H 1 Copy of commendation certificate and receipt of cash award View
3.4.2 H 2 Copy of commendation certificate and receipt of cash award View
3.4.4 Link for additional information View
Letters of award 2017 Part - 1 View
Letters of award 2017 Part - 2 View
Letters of award 2018 Part - 1 View
Letters of award 2018 Part - 2 View
3.7.1 Link with collaborating Institutional website View
Certified Copies of collaboration documents View
4.3.2 1. Library acquisition data View
2. Any other relevant information View
4.3.3 E-copy of subscription letter/membership letter or related document with the mension of year to be submtted View
4.3.4 Proceedings of Library Committee meetings for allocation of fund and utilization of fund View
4.3.5 Link to documents of e-content resources used View
NPTEL - 2 View
SWAYAM - 4 View
Give links e-content repository used by the teachers / Students View
4.3.5 B View
4.3.5 E View
4.5.1 Link to ERP View
4.5.2 1. Minutes of the meetings of the Maintenance Committee View
2. Log book or other records regarding maintenance works. Part - 1 View
2. Log book or other records regarding maintenance works. Part - 2 View
4.5.2 B log book or other records regarding maintenance work View
5.1.1 Copies of sanction letters from the University / non-government schemes - 1 View
Copies of sanction letters from the University / non-government schemes - 2 View
Copies of sanction letters from the University / non-government schemes - 3 View
5.1.1 G 1 Attested copies of the sanction letters View
5.1.1 G 2 Attested copies of the sanction letters View
5.1.1 G 3 Attested copies of the sanction letters View
5.1.1 G 4 Attested copies of the sanction letters View
5.2.1 Pass Certificates of the examination View
Any Additional Information View
5.2.2 Self-attested list of students placed/self-employed - 15-16, 16-17, 17-18 View
Self-attested list of students placed/self-employed - 18-19, 19-20 View
Self-attested list of students placed/self-employed View
5.3.3 Supporting documents on the information provided View
Report of the events along with photographs appropriately dated and captioned year wise. View
5.3.3 E - Event Photographs - Part -1 View
5.3.3 E - Event Photographs - Part -2 View
5.4.1 1. Links for quantum of financial contribution View
2. Links for frequency of meetings of Alumni Association with minutes View
3. link for details of Alumni Association activities View
4.Audited statement of accounts of the Alumni Association (Refer annexure number -01 as per SOP).
5.4.2 Link for any additional information View
5.4.2 D Any additional information View
6.2.1 1. Link for Strategic Plan document View
2. Minutes of the Governing Council/ other relevant bodies for deployment / monitoring of the deliverables View
3. Any other relevant information
6.2.2 1. Link for Organogram of the University View
2. Minutes of meetings of various Bodies and Committees View
3. Annual Report of the preceding academic year
4. Any other relevant information
6.2.3 6.2.3 1. Planning & Development View
6.2.3 2. Administration View
6.2.3 3. Finance & Accounts View
6.2.3 4. Students Admission & Support View
6.2.3 5. Examination View
6.2.3 Link for additional information View
6.3.2 6.3.2 F. E Copies of Letters 2015-16 1 to 62 View
6.3.2 F. E Copies of Letters 2016-17 63 to 125 View
6.3.2 F. E Copies of Letters 2017-18 126 to 192 View
6.3.2 F. E Copies of Letters 2018-19 193 to 305 View
6.3.2 F. E Copies of Letters 2019-20 306 to 466 View
6.3.2 H. E Copies of Certificates 2015-16 View
6.3.2 H. E Copies of Certificates 2016-17 View
6.3.2 H. E Copies of Certificates 2017-18 View
6.3.2 H. E Copies of Certificates 2018-19 View
6.3.2 H. E Copies of Certificates 2019-20 View
list of participants teaching and non teaching 2015-16 View
list of participants teaching and non teaching 2016-17 View
list of participants teaching and non teaching 2017-18 View
list of participants teaching and non teaching 2018-19 View
list of participants teaching and non teaching 2019-20 View
6.3.5 6.3.5 A - Link for performance appraisal policy of the institution View
2.Link for additional information View
6.4.1 1.Resource mobilization policy document duly approved by BoM / Syndicate / Governing Council View
2. Procedures for optimal resource utilization View
6.4.2 6.4.2 E 1 letter indicating the grants funds received by agency View
6.4.2 E 2 letter indicating the grants funds received by agency View
6.4.3 1.Policy on internal and external audit mechanisms View
2. Financial Audit reports for the last five years (Refer annexure number -01 as per SOP). View
6.5.1 1. The structure and mechanism for Internal Quality Assurance View
2. Report on the initiatives for the appointment of a fulltime Director/Officer for the IQAC View
3. Minutes of the IQAC meetings. View
6.5.2 6.5.2 Links of AQAR View
6.5.3 1.Relevant documents/information on the process and results of impact analysis on the above aspects View
2. additional information View
7.1.3 1.Link to relevant documents like agreements/MoUs with Government and other approved agencies View
2. Link for Geo-tagged photographs of the facilities View
7.2.1 1.Link of the best practices in the Institutional web site View
7.2.1 B Link of the best practices in the institutional web site. View
7.2.1 B Link of the best practices in the institutional web site. View
7.2.1 B View
7.3.1 1.Link of appropriate web link in the Institutional website View
2. Link for additional information View