On the auspicious occasion of the 100th birth anniversary of H.H. Shree Mataji Nirmaladevi, YOGDHARA ‐ MUSIC, YOG & MEDITATION TOUR, the dynamic 88 yuvashakti came from 21 Nations- Ukraine, Russia, China, UK, Italy, and Spain visited Krishna Vishwa Vidyapeeth campus on 15th March 2023 and performed the musical program based on indian yoga and culture.
DR. Vaishali Rajsinh Mohite, Dean, Krishna Institute of Nursing Sciences, Karad welcomed them at Nursing College. They performed indian vocal, instrumental and kuhipudi dances and introduced indian yoga and meditation along with the experience of self realization in the presence of honourable Dr. Suresh Bhosale, Chancellor, Krishna Vishwa Vidyapeeth, special invitees, university officials, Dr. Girish Pathade Dean, Allied Sciences, Dr. Iype Cherian, Director of Neurosciences, KVV, Karad. Members of the Rotary Club and Innerwheel Club, Karad, teaching and non-teaching staff, and students with their family members and sahajyogi from Maharashtra attended the program.
Yogdhara was inaugurated by honourable Dr. Suresh Bhosale, Chancellor, Krishna Vishwa Vidyapeeth and he felicitated yogdhara team. During the session along with various dances, vocals and instrumental performances, a documentary on the life of H. H. Shree Mataji Nirmaladevi was presented. Participants were taught how to meditate at home as it helps the practitioners for managing the balance in day-to-day life, handle stress and improvement of spiritual quotient, intellectual quotient and emotional quotient.
Audience were very much delighted with joy and peace of mind and all the performances were very much appreciated as they were from different countries and performed Indian vocal-instrumental and classical. Krishna VishwaVidhyapeeth campus and hospitality were very much appreciated by guests.