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Two Students from Krishna Institute of Pharmacy Secure Ranks in NIPER JEE-2024

Two students from Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Krishna Vishwa Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) Karad, have secured ranks in the NIPER JEE, National Entrance Examination for NIPER. NIPER is a prestigious institution for pursuing higher education in Pharmacy in India. Approximately 6,000 students from across India registered for the NIPER JEE national-level entrance examination this year. Miss. Rinku Vaibhav Shah (AIR 1708) and Mr. Rituraj Vitthal Sapate (AIR 2075), students of KVVs, Krishna Institute of Pharmacy secured ranks in the NIPER JEE. The meritorious students were felicitated by the management of KVVs, the Dean, all teaching, and non-teaching staff of Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Karad in recognition of their outstanding achievement.

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