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Together for tiny teeth - CDE Event

Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry of School of Dental Sciences, Krishna Vishwa Vidyapeeth, Karad organized a CDE programme in association with the Pediatricians and General Medical Practitioners in Karad, Patan and Walwa Taluka on 21st may 2024 at lecture hall no. 3, School of Dental Sciences, Karad.

The aim of the programme was to enlighten and educate the Pediatricians and General Medical Practitioners about the importance of Pediatric dental care, the latest advancements in the field of dentistry available at SDS, KVV and to effectively collaborate for the betterment of the young patients.

The Event was blessed with presence of Dean SDS, Dr. Shashikiran N.D., President Pediatric Asso. Dr. Prashant Shah, President Malharpeth Medico Asso. Dr. Uday Vanarase, and many other senior practitioners. With great help of Dr. Sachin Gugawad (Professor, Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry of School of Dental Sciences), Mr. Sagar Pawar ( P.R.O, KVV) and all teaching staff, non-teaching staff and Post Graduate students along with interns and understand graduate students of Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry of SDS, this awareness program event was great success.

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9. CDE Pedo SDS