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KIMS- Organ Donation Camp Awareness Talk

Department of community medicine, KIMS, Karad celebrates World organ Donation day on 13 th August every year to create awareness among population about importance of organ donation. This year Dr. S. M. Kunbhar (Associate Professor), Dr. P.V. Ghunkikar (Associate Professor) & Dr. Anjali Ghuge organised awareness talk at village Shere, subcentre (adopted under FAP) Dr. Ankur Khurana junior resident of department of community medicine, KIMS Karad and Dr. Tabassum Gani Kagdi (Medical Officer, PHC Kale ) organised awareness talk at PHC Kale.

The program aimed to raise awareness and dispel myths surrounding organ donation.

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Information about organ donation it’s importance, which organ can be donated and how it can be done was given. Around 30 people were present during organ donation awareness camp. Speech was concluded with vote of thanks. The event was well – received, with participants showing interest in organ donation. Several individuals expressed willingness to become donors, helping to spread awareness and inspire action.

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