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One day workshop on "Traditional Medicine and Related Intellectual Property Righths"


KVV's, KIP organised one day workshop on "Traditional Medicine and Related IntellectalProperty Rights" on 31st March 2023. A total of 81 students from T.Y. B. Pharm and 06 students from Final Year B. Pharm. and 02 faculty members attended the workshop. In the first session of the workshop, Dr. Hiware explained the importance of standardization of Herbs, He also said Good Agricultural Practices in the cultivation and collection of herbs. The second lecture was on Intellectual Property Rights and Dr. Y. V. Yeligar Professor, KIP, Karad delivered it. Sir explained the importance and application of IPR in herbal medicine. He explained the Extraction and isolation of phytoconstituents and the molecular docking process of the same, he also explained the process application of a Patent on an isolated compound. At the end of the workshop hands-on training was conducted by Asst. Professor Mrs. Karanje and Professor Dr.Yeligar. In charge, Dean Dr. Amol Shete congratulates Pharmacognosy Department for scuessesful conduct of the workshop.