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National Reading Day

Celebration of National Reading Day and Essay writing competition was organized for B. Pharmacy, Pharm D, M. Pharm students of Krishna Institute of Pharmacy Karad under the guidance of Dr.Amol S.Shete, Dean, Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Karad on Monday 19th June 2023.

The welcome note was given by Ms.Swarangi Pawar, a Student of third-year B Pharm KIP Karad. Dean Dr. Amol Shete gave a brief introduction of the P. N. Panicker sir. He explained the importance of Reading Day. Also, Dr.Akshada Koprade ma’am Addressed the importance and Benefits of reading books in everyday life. Dr.Anuradhachivte Ma’am talks about the importance of newspaper reading.

On the Occasion of National reading day, Institute conducted an Essay writing competition on

1) Importance of reading books in spite of the Digital age

2) Benefits of reading books while growing up.

The competition started at 3.00 pm and over at 4.30 pm. The evaluation of the essay writing competition was done by Dr. Amina Shajahan Ma’am and Ms. Monali Shewale Ma’am and the result was displayed as follows.

1) First Prize: Mohammad Jaid Wahid Patel , First year Pharm D

2) Second Prize : Fiza MansoorBhaldar , Third year B pharm

3) Third Prize : ShivrajAdhikrao Patil, Second year B pharm

Mr.Ruturaj Sapate Student of third year B pharm gave a vote of thanks. He expressed sincere thanks to Faculty members for guiding and sharing valuable information for Reading Day. he also thanked Dean Dr. AmolS.Shete sir for the guidance and support. This program was co-ordinated by Asst. Pro. Ms. Monali Shewale.