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Mayuri Bhosale from KVV's, Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Karad secured FIRST PRIZE in oral presentation at national level 73rd IPC, Hyderabad

Mayuri Bhosale from Krishna Vishwa Vidyapeeth, Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Karad secured FIRST PRIZE in oral presentation at national level 73rdIndian Pharmaceutical Congress, Hyderabad

PhD scholar of Krishna Vishwa Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), Krishana Institute of Pharmacy, Karad Miss. Mayuri Bhosale secured FIRST PRIZEin oral presentation in scientific sessions of 73rd Indian Pharmaceutical Congress (IPC), held from 5th to 7th July 2024 at Hitex Exhibition Centre, Hyderabad.

The IPC is a National annual event of Pharmacists from all walks of Pharmacy Profession to deliberate various issues relating to industry, regulatory, academia, hospital and community pharmacy and to evolve collective wisdom for formulating newer policies for the country and for the betterment of mankind.This year IPC is being hosted by ‘The Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA), H.Q.- Mumbai’. At the 73rdIndian Pharmaceutical Congress 2024, Hyderabad,various leaders from Pharma Industry, Regulatory, Academia, Research, Hospital and Community across the globe were invited to deliberate and present their vision in their respective areas and views about the major role to be played by Indian Pharma Industry and Pharmacy professional in the health care system.Miss Mayuri Bhosale is full time PhD scholar working under the guidance of Dr. Dipak P. Mali. Dean Dr. N. R. Jadhav,all teaching and non-teaching staff of Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Karad congratulated her on this outstanding achievement.

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