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KVV's,Krishna Institute of Pharmacy organised Parent-Teacher Meet for parents of M.Pharm. and Pharm.D. programs on 20th January 2024

On January 20, 2024, KVV's Krishna Institute of Pharmacy in Karad organized a Parent-Teacher Meet for parents of M.Pharm. and Pharm.D. programs. The meeting was attended by Assistant Professor Mrs. Pratiksha Jadhav, who briefed the purpose of the meeting. Parent representatives, Chitra Khadake (M. Pharm) and Kavita Vishal Suryavanshi (Pharm. D.), were welcomed with a floral bouquet by Dr. Akshada Koparde (Academic Dean) and Mrs. Jisha Annie Geevarghese (Academic In-charge, Pharm. D.).

Professor and HoD of Pharmaceutics, Dr. Amol Shete, introduced the program and its constituent units, discussing the pharmacy profession's outcomes. Dr. Akshata Koparde, Dean of Academics, presented the code of conduct, emphasizing academic integrity issues such as cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, and other forms of dishonesty. She stated that KVV has a zero-tolerance policy for such behaviours and clearly defined penalties and disciplinary procedures for academic misconduct.

Dr. Vishwajeet Ghorpade, Associate Professor and M. Pharmacy program coordinator, described the comprehensive teaching and learning process at the PG level and the various infrastructures available for the smooth conduct of the program. Dr. Bijoy Kumar Panda, Associate Professor, provided an introduction to the course structure and teaching and learning process in Pharm. D. and the scope in national and international pharmaceutical and hospital-industries.

Mrs. Chitra Khadake and Mrs. Kavita Vishal Suryavanshi expressed their gratitude to KVV management and Dean Dr. N. R. Jadhav for organizing the parent meeting and acknowledged the facilities available for student growth.

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