KVV's,Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Karad, organised a workshop on "Design of Experiment (DoE),"
On October 27 and 28, 2023, Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Karad, organized a workshop on "Design of Experiment (DoE)," The workshop catered to the Faculty of Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Karad, as well as M.Pharm and Ph.D. students. Ms. Rutuja Gharal delivered a warm welcome address during the inaugural moments and introduced the distinguished resource person, Dr. S. P. Boldhane, Vice President, Formulation and Development, Micro Labs Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore.
On the first day (October 27, 2023) Dr. S. P. Boldhane led a scholarly session covering topics such as intricate product process development, statistics assumptions, optimizing research data quality, experimental design for discerning signals from noise, error and outlier handling, confidence intervals, variable selection, model adequacy, validation, diagnostic assessments, and various statistical terminologies like ANOVAs, linearity, and transformation.
The second day (October 28, 2023) Dr. S. P. Boldhane enlightened the audience on the foundational principles of experimental design, cause-and-effect relationships, response variable selection, model selection complexities, hierarchical models, and visual representations such as half-normal plots and Pareto charts. The workshop also explored screening design, and response surface methodology, and included a captivating demonstration of Design Expert version 13 at various levels.
The workshop actively engaged faculty members, M.Pharm, and PhD students in a question-and-answer session. Dr. N. R. Jadhav, Dean, Faculty of Pharmacy extended heartfelt congratulations for the success of the workshop and informed students to use DoE in their dissertation. Dr. Amol S. Shete, Professor and Head of the Department of Pharmaceutics, delivered eloquent closing remarks.