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KVV's, Krishna Institute of Pharmacy organized "Deekshaarambh 2024 - Student Induction Programme"

Deekshaarambh 2024 - Student Induction Programme

Krishna Institute of Pharmacy organized a Student Induction Programme as per UGC guidelines from 1st August 2024 to 8th August 2024. The transition from school to university/college life is one of the most challenging events in a student's life. When new students enter an institution, they come with diverse thoughts, backgrounds, and levels of preparation. The purpose of the Student Induction Programme is to help new students adjust and feel comfortable in the new environment, inculcate in them the ethos and culture of the institution, help them build bonds with other students and faculty members, and expose them to a sense of larger purpose and self-exploration. The Student Induction Programme engages with the new students as soon as they arrive at the institution before regular classes begin.

At the start of the induction, the students learn about the institution's policies, processes, practices, culture, and values, and their mentor groups are formed. The Student Induction Programme covers several aspects, often summarized as SAGE: Socializing—meeting other new students, senior students, and student union representatives, and attending lectures by eminent people; Associating—visits to the university/college, departments, branches, programs of study, and important places on campus; Governing—understanding rules and regulations, student support systems, etc.; and Experiencing—attending subject lectures, developing study skills, participating in small-group activities, physical activities, creative and performing arts, literary activities, and exploring universal human values.

The main objectives of the Student Induction Programme are to help students become familiar with the amenities and access the intellectual and physical resources of the institution, to foster better relationships with faculty members for a fruitful teaching-learning experience, to create a comfortable environment where newly admitted students can approach faculty mentors when facing academic or psychological problems through a well-structured Mentor-Mentee network, to stimulate social integration among students and between students and teachers, and to introduce the college's student support systems.

The components of the Student Induction Programme include orientation sessions for faculty on the Student Induction Programme, orientations by the head of the institution, Dr. N. R. Jadhav, Dean, KIP, KVV, Karad, lectures by eminent personalities such as Dr. B. S. Kuchekar, Advisor, Faculty of Pharmacy, MIT WPU Pune, on the topic "Opportunities in the Pharma Profession," and Prof. (Dr.) Vijay Bambulkar, Former Director, Johnson and Johnson (Mumbai), and Director, HPC Enterprises, Mumbai, on the topic “Cosmetic Industry Overview 2024.” The programme also includes orientations on the institution's vision, mission, core values, and code of conduct; orientations by the heads of departments for their respective students; explanations of basic regulations, curriculum and syllabus, and the office of the Controller of Examinations (CoE); and orientations by the Placement Cell, Women Empowerment Cell, Innovation Cell, and NCC Cell. Additionally, there will be awareness sessions by the Anti-Ragging Cell, introductions to the library and NCC, and an overview of the Mentor-Mentee System. This programme was successfully conducted under the valuable guidance of Dr. N.R. Jadhav, Dean, KIP, Karad. Mrs. Pallavi Karanje, Assistant Professor, KIP, Karad, was the coordinator of the programme

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