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KVV's, Krishna Institute of Pharmacy organised guest lecture on“Harnessing Power of Computer Based Tools in Drafting Research Manuscripts"

KVV's, Krishna Institute of Pharmacy organized a guest lecture on“Harnessing Power of Computer-Based Tools in Drafting Research Manuscripts"

As part of the institute-level research and development committee, the faculty mentoring cell organized a guest lecture on 21st October 2023 on the topic “Harnessing the power of computer-based tools in drafting research manuscripts". Initially, Dr. N. R. Jadhav sir offered a floral welcome to Dr. S. D. Bhinge.

Key highlights of the lecture: Peer review system for manuscripts, the parameters to be fulfilled like writing, presentation skill, resolution of tables and figures. He demonstrated the magic tool for figure resolution in Adobe Photoshop. He demonstrated the preparation of figures by using a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation—the addition of histograms for the size distribution of nanoparticles by using Image J software. Preparation of equations by using Microsoft Word. Provided insights about techniques to remove plagiarism by using software tools. He recommended using ‘Quillbot’ and Chat GPT for the same with merits and demerits. The main objective of the lecture is to train the trainers for research paper writing with some computer based tools to get publications in quality journals. Dr. N. R. Jadhav Dean, KVV, KIP, Karad appreciates the efforts of coordinator Dr. Amol S. Shete Professor and Head, Department of Pharmaceutics, KIP, KVV, Karad. Students and staff members gave excellent feedback.

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