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KVV's, Krishna Institute of Pharmacy Organised Farewell and Prize Distribution Ceremony on 20th July 2024

KVV's, Krishna Institute of Pharmacy Organised Farewell and Prize Distribution Ceremony on 20th July 2024

The Farewell and Prize Distribution Ceremony held on 20th July 2024 at our college was a heartfelt and memorable event that celebrated the achievements and contributions of our graduating students. The event, graced by Chief Guest Dr. S. R. Patil, Director of IQAC at Krishna Vishwa Vidyapeeth, and hosted by Respected Dean Dr. N. R. Jadhav, recognized the outstanding accomplishments of students in academics, sports, and co-curricular activities. The ceremony featured inspiring speeches, including a motivational address by the Chief Guest and a sentimental farewell segment where final-year students shared their experiences. The distribution of awards and special honors highlighted the holistic development fostered by the college. The event concluded with a vote of thanks, a group photograph, and a touching video montage, leaving attendees with fond memories and a strengthened sense of community.

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