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KINS:- Welcome and Orientation Programme for Nurses from Gambia.

Fourteen nurses from Gambia arrived at Krishna Vishwa Vidyapeeth University in Karad for training through the MERCK Foundation. The occasion was graced by esteemed individuals including Dr. Suresh Bhosale, Chancellor, KVV(DU), Karad, Dr. M.V. Ghorpade, Registrar, KVV(DU), Dr. (Mrs) Vaishali Rajsinh Mohite, Dean, Krishna Institute of Nursing Sciences, Karad, and Ms. Archana Kaulagekar, Deputy Director, Office of International Affairs, KVV(DU), Karad. The dignitaries welcomed the nurses with roses, and Dr. Suresh Bhosale addressed the gathering, highlighting the significance of their presence.