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Innovation of KIMSDU “Nano-Herbal Kavach” selected by Maharashtra State Innovation Society (MSInS) and MSSIDC, Government of Maharashtra at the India International Trade Fair 2022

One of our innovations “Nano-Herbal Kavach” was selected by the Maharashtra State Innovation Society (MSInS) and MSSIDC, Government of Maharashtra at the India International Trade Fair 2022 on 26th to 27th November 2022 in Delhi.
During the tech show, India’s best innovations were demonstrated to the international community as a part of the Fair and our Innovation was appreciated by the I & E ecosystem enablers. The team from KIMSDU Dr. D. K. Agarwal, Director of Innovation, Incubation & Entrepreneurship and Dr. Jayant Pawar, Research Scientist and Assistant Professor presented the “Nano-Herbal Kavach” at the India International Trade Fair 2022.


Dr. Jayant Pawar