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Inaugural Ceremony of the 4th National Pharmacovigilance Week 2024 at KVV Krishna Institute of Pharmacy

Inaugural Ceremony of the 4th National Pharmacovigilance Week 2024 at KVV Krishna Institute of Pharmacy

The 4th National Pharmacovigilance Week was inaugurated at KVV Krishna Institute of Pharmacy on 17th September 2024, at 11:00 amin the esteemed presence of Mr. Dinesh Khivasara, (Assistant Commissioner, FDA, Pune & Satara Region, Government of Maharashtra), Mr. Vikas Patil, (Drug Inspector, FDA, Pune) served as Guest of Honor, presiding officer of the event Dr. M V Ghorpade (Registrar), Dr.Yugantara Kadam (Dean, KIMS) served as Guest of Honor, and Dr.Namdeo R Jadhav (Dean, KIP) of Krishna Vishwa Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), Karad. On this inaugural event the dignitaries released “ADR Awareness Poster” designed by the KIP Pharm. D students for raising the awareness within all the stakeholders. The ceremony highlighted the importance of this year’s theme, “Building ADR Reporting Culture for Patient Safety.”

Mr. Dinesh Khivasara in keynote address emphasized the critical role of Pharmacovigilance in ensuring patient safety and promoting the responsible use of medicines. He discussed the significant role of pharmacovigilance in protecting public health, illustrating this with historical cases such as the Thalidomide tragedy, J.J. Hospital contamination, and2022 Gambia cough syrup incident. He encouraged students to actively participate in ADR reporting and to stay informed about global drug safety standards.

The pharmacovigilance week will be celebrated with the scheduled activities like creating digital flyers, awareness videos, community awareness through distribution of ICT material (poster), street play and extempore by the pharmacy students aiming at promoting pharmacovigilance awareness within community and healthcare stakeholders.

The inauguration set a positive tone for the week-long celebration. The program concludedwith the vote of thanks from the program co-ordinator Dr. Bijoy Kumar Panda (Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Pharmacy Practice) of Pharmacovigilance, reinforcing the commitment of the institution to contribute to safer healthcare practices.

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