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Certificate of Appreciation received by COVID-19 warriors at the hands of Hon'ble Shree. Nitinji Gadakari, Union Minister , GOI

Dr. Ashok Yadavrao Kshirsagar Medical Director, K. H. & M. R. C. Professor in Surgery, KIMS

Dr. Sanjaykumar S. Patil Professor in Ob/Gyn, KIMS

Dr. Virendra Chandrashekhar Patil Professor in Medicine, KIMS

Dr. Virendra Chandrashekhar Patil Professor in Medicine, KIMS

Dr. Amol A. Gautam, Professor in Radiology, KIMS

Dr. Mrs. Aparna Prasanna Patange, Asso. Professor in Medicine, KIMS

Dr. Archana Amol Gautam Asso. Professor in Emergency Medicine, KIMS

Dr. Archana Amol Gautam Asso. Professor in Emergency Medicine, KIMS