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KINS:- Celebration of Independence Day of Malawi on 6th July, 2022

Student Council of Krishna Institute of Nursing Sciences has organized an event to celebrate ‘Independence Day of Malawi” on 6th July, 2022. The University, in collaboration with Merck Foundation, Germany, offers the fellowship programs in Oncology for doctors and nurses from all over Africa. 3 Malawian nationals are undergoing these programs. The day was celebrated by felicitating the fellows and cutting the cake. They also sung their national anthem.

Celebration of Independence Day of Malawi on 6th July, 2022

Celebration of Independence Day of Malawi on 6th July, 2022

Celebration of Independence Day of Malawi on 6th July, 2022

Celebration of Independence Day of Malawi on 6th July, 2022

Celebration of Independence Day of Malawi on 6th July, 2022

Celebration of Independence Day of Malawi on 6th July, 2022

Celebration of Independence Day of Malawi on 6th July, 2022

Celebration of Independence Day of Malawi on 6th July, 2022