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KIMS- Anti-Ragging Awareness cum Celebration Week (From 12th to 18th August, 2024)

Anti-Ragging Awareness cum Celebration Week

(12th August-18th August 2024)

Programme on Ragging/Anti-ragging Awareness conducted by Anti-Ragging Committee in Tierra Hall on 13/08/2024 at 3pm, as a part of Anti-Ragging Awareness and Celebration of Anti-Ragging Week from 12th August, 2024 to 18th, August 2024 as per University Grant Commission (UGC).

Following faculty members along with 44 Post Graduate students i.e. JR1, JR2, JR3 representing all the departments attended this programme.

  1. Dr. Yugantara Kadam, Dean
  2. Dr. A G Joshi, Prof & HOD dept of physiology
  3. Dr. R P Patange, Prof & HOD OBGY dept
  4. Dr. Shrikrishna Bamne Prof, Dept Of Physiology
  5. Dr. Vasant Meghana Murthy, Prof Dept of Psychiatry &
  6. Dr. R V Mohite, as parent representative

Two programmes have been conducted:

A. Orientation programme B. Open Discussion.

  1. Orientation Program: Objective of this session was to orient PG Student regarding constitutes ragging so as to make them aware about what is ragging by documentary on ragging and what are anti-ragging measures prepared by UGC was shown to the students. Discussion was conducted on the documentary. This documentary is about ragging and how by involving yourself into this act you cannot only ruin your career but your parents’ dream also.
  2. Open Discussion was conducted by Dr. Yugantara Kadam, Dean, where all the Post Graduate students and all the Anti-ragging members participated. In this
  • JR III shared their experiences as JR I. At that time what they thought about it and how they can include these experiences in their daily practice to improve JR II & JR III behaviour towards JR I.
  • It was also opined that JR I should understand the responsibility as a doctor and should participate in patient care actively.
  • JR I Parent meeting should be held to explain them the nature of work and its importance.