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University Examinations - 2020-2021

Sr. No Title Download / View
1 II MBBS Time Table View
2 Final MBBS Time Table May June 2021 View
3 M.Sc. Medical Microbiology Time Table April 2021 View
4 I II & III BPTh Time Table March 2021 View
5 I MBBS Suplimentary Exam Time Table APR 2021 View
6 I, II, & III BDS Theory & Practical Time Table March 2021 View
7 IV BDS Theory Practical Time - Table March 2021 View
8 Final MBBS Time Table View
9 II and IIIPart I MBBS Time Table View
10 B Pharmacy Practical Time Table View
11 BPharmacy Practical Time Table View
12 Theory Time Table of I, II, III B. Sc. Nursing View
13 Important Notice for BPharmacy Practical Exam View
14 PG DMLT Time Table View
15 I P. B. B. Sc. Nursing December 2020 View
16 B Pharm Practical Time Table View
17 PG DMLT Examinations Dec. 2020 View
18 BPharmacy Repeaters Examination Dec. 2020 View
19 I, II & III BDS time - Table December 2020 View
20 I M. Sc. Nursing December 2020 View
21 I & II BPTh Exam Time Table View
22 M.Sc. Biotechnology/M.Sc. Microbiology Sem II Practical Time Table View
23 Theory time table of M. Sc. Nursing (NPCC) View
24 M. Sc. Biotechnology/M.Sc. Microbiology - Revised Time Table of Semester II View
25 Examination Schedule View
26 Pandemic Rules View
27 Final MBBS Time Table View
28 Final BDs Time Table View
29 IV B. Sc. Nursing Examination View
30 Online Application Form View
31 II MBBS Time Table View
32 III MBBS Part I Time Table View
33 BPharmacy Time Table View

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