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National level workshop on “Strategic Research Proposal Writing Addressing Thrust Domains: Navigating Multidisciplinary Terrain” was organized by Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Karad

The National-level workshop on “Strategic Research Proposal Writing Addressing Thrust Domains:Navigating Multidisciplinary Terrain” was organized for research scholars (PG & Ph.D. students) and facultyfrom various disciplines on 30thSeptember 2024, at Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Karad. The workshop,held at the Auditorium of Krishna Vishwa Vidyapeeth, Karad, aimed to bring together researchers andacademicians in the fields of pharmaceutical sciences and technology to discuss various funding agencies andthe intricacies of research proposal writing. It also provided a platform for networking, collaboration, and theexchange of ideas among participants. The workshop included keynote speeches, plenary sessions, and paneldiscussions led by prominent experts, offered attendees valuable opportunities to enhance their knowledgeand stay up to date with the latest trends in proposal writing.

The inauguration ceremony began in the esteemed presence of the event’s president, Hon’ble Dr. M. V.Ghorpade, Registrar of Krishna Vishwa Vidyapeeth; Chief Guest Dr. C. D. Lokhande, Research Director andDean of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research at D. Y. Patil Education Society’s (Deemed to beUniversity), Kolhapur; Guest of Honor Dr. Ashok Wali, Ex-Principal, Shri Annasaheb Dange AyurvedaMedical College, Ashta, Sangli and Dr. D. K. Agarwal, Director of Research & Innovation, KVV, Karad;Prof. (Dr.) N. R. Jadhav, Convenor and Dean of Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Karad; Dr. A. S. Shete,Coordinator and Dr. Dipak P. Mali, Co-coordinator, Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Karad.

Dean Dr. N. R. Jadhav, the convenor of the event, warmly welcomed all the dignitaries, institutional heads,and participants. He elaborated on the objectives of the conference, expressing his delight at the overwhelmingresponse, with more than 355 registrations. Dr. D. K. Agarwal highlighted the importance of innovation as acornerstone of research proposal writing. Dr. M. V. Ghorpade emphasized the institute’s commitment tosupporting researchers through funding and encouraged participants to pursue extramural funding fromvarious agencies.

During the scientific sessions, Dr. C. D. Lokhande delivered a plenary session on writing research proposalsfor different funding agencies, guiding the audience through the do’s and don’ts of proposal writing.

Dr. Ashok Wali presented information on the medicinal plants of the Western Ghats, introducing variousspecies and urging researchers to explore their potential in strategic research proposals. He emphasized thesignificant medicinal value these plants hold.

Dr. Pravin O. Patil, Professor and HOD of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at H. R. Patel Instituteof Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Shirpur, discussed the key elements of writing research grantproposals, the importance of the principal investigators and co-investigator’s CVs, and the criticalconsiderations in proposal writing and publication.

Dr. Sachin S. Chavan, Vice Principal (Admin) and Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering atBharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, Pune, led a plenary session on ‘Research, Innovation, and ProductDevelopment Funding,’ stressing the importance of quality in project proposals.

The valedictory function was graced by the presence of Chief Guest Dr. S. R. Patil, Director of IQAC, KVV,Karad. Dr. D. P. Mali proposed a vote of thanks, marking the successful conclusion of the workshop.

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