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CDE 2022 (Virtual)

cde 2022



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Webinar on “Novel Tricks & Tips to Increase Acceptance Rate on Scientific Papers”

Speaker – Dr. Sachin Sarode

3D Model making competition

Date- 25th February 2022

Venue- Department of Oral Pathology – Practical Hall

Model making involves transformation of theoretical concepts that need visualization into tactile objects that can be seen and felt. And making them on your own only enhances learning and retention of scientific concepts.

The cell being the basic structural and functional unit of life is the basis for understanding any pathology. It may be a small microscopic structure but it holds the secrets of life itself. So gear up and let your visualization of the cell come to life in your 3D model

Rules for the competition:

  1. Each team may comprise of maximum 2 participants
  2. The theme for the competition is “A Cell in 3D”
  3. The maximum permitted size for the finished model can be 12 inches X 12inches X 12 inches.
  4. No prefabricated parts are allowed
  5. Each team will get 2 hours to showcase their creativity.
  6. All material required should be brought by the participants
  7. Teams are expected to carry their own tools.
  8. Students will be judged on Technique, Concept and Overall Presentation
  9. The decision of the judges will be final and binding.

Kindly send the names of participants on / before 20th February 2022 to the Dept. of Oral Pathology

Contact Person:

Dr. Uzma Belgaumi

Contact no.: 9545880698

Educational Video making competition

The influence of digital videos in education is undeniable, where abstract topics that once seemed difficult to teach and learn are now more accessible and understandable.

Videos create a more engaging sensory experience than using print materials alone, providing on the go learning resources that can be accessed anywhere, increase retention and increase student engagement.

Taking the benefits further let us see the stories, discoveries, inventions, milestones that changed the face of Pathology through the eyes of our participants.

Rules for the competition:

  1. Each team may comprise of maximum 2 participants
  2. The theme for the competition is “ Stories that changed the face of Pathology ”
  3. The minimum length including credits should be 2 minutes and maximum 3 minutes. Videos exceeding this time limit are liable to be rejected.
  4. The video must be in MP4 format. The recommended ratio is 16:9 and recommended size 1080X1920p.
  5. The video must be in ENGLISH.
  6. The video can be animated or hybrid.
  7. No objectionable/ obscene content/language should be used.
  8. All entries should be sent on/before 23/02/2022 to
  9. Students will be judged on Concept and Overall Presentation.
  10. The decision of the judges will be final and binding.

Contact Person:

Dr. Uzma Belgaumi

Contact no.: 9545880698