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Capacity Enhancement and Skill Development Schemes

Capacity enhancement and skill development schemes were designed to sharpen the students and improve their skills to retain their knowledge. This will help the students do their jobs competently. Details are as follows:

  1. Soft skill development
  2. Language and communication skill development
  3. Yoga and wellness
  4. Analytical skill development
  5. Human values development
  6. Personality and professional development
  7. Employability skill development

Soft skill development

A Soft skills development Scheme is developed to train the students and help them focus on the application of skill-set for the purpose to make a better career. It serves students to change their approach towards the life and work. Soft skills are interpersonal skills to develop different patterns of behaviors. It enhances individual’s personality, and characterizes how to build good relations with other people in their career.

Essentially, soft skills for the students are helpful in their long-term success which is in need of an hour. It includes student’s skills, personality skills, and communication abilities. Wherever a student approaches to seek a job they have to foster their skill for better quality. All departments emphasize the student’s orientation in soft skill development. As, students have to interact with different kind of people which is basic requirement in almost every job.

Soft skill includes higher order thinking, social skills, communication skills, self-control, positive self-concept, empathy, and goal orientation. Soft skill empowers student to collaborate for better teamwork, efficiency, and productivity.

Language and communication skill development

Linguistic skills and Communication skills hold the foundation of personal growth. Good command on communication skills is vital for health care professionals. Psychosomatic methods of pain control comprise of good communication with good verbal counseling. Health care professional with good professional skills without command over communication skills may prove ineffective in clinical practice. Thus, development of good communication skills is the key for anxiety control.

As students in health care come from different social as well as regional background, language becomes the barrier in communication even with the peers during initial phase of education. Karad have Marathi as its regional language. Students across India pursue health education in this esteemed institution. Training these students in local language is utmost important for better communication with patients.

The Institute is known for implementing different languages and communication skills schemes to train students and enhance their quality of life.

Yoga and wellness

Yoga and wellness Schemes for students play a crucial role in handling stress during exam preparation. During examinations, students develop lot of anxiety and hence there are common complains of loss of energy, forgetfulness, worry, tension, headache. Merely informing the students to calm down and suggesting home-remedies are not enough to calm them. Teaching and making them practice Yoga is one of the right methods to deal with exam stress. Yoga tips and Asanas for the students help them to improve concentration and memory to perform better in examination. Create learning wellness awareness through meditation techniques, pranayama techniques which are a cooling form of Pranayama, is great for calming the mind and body, resulting in lower hypertension and relaxed nerves. Kapalbhati pranayama instills energy even if performed for just five minutes. All departments emphasize on the implementation of yoga and wellness for the students.

Analytical skill development

Implementation of analytical skill development emphasizes to sharpen the students and strengthen them for success. One secret of long-term success lies in developing and strengthening analytical skills.

Health care professionals are craved with good an analytical skill which proves effective in their day-to-day clinical practice. Students across India pursue health education in this esteemed institution. It includes analysis, clinical interpretation of various therapeutic diagnostic skills and procedures. Analytical skills describe our ability to understand and solve problems using the available information. The Scheme involves in development of individuals analytical thinking abilities. Critical Forecasting is the ability to predict the possible outcomes of strategies and actions. In a professional setting, forecasting involves the analysis of data – often through illustrations like charts, graphs, and detailed lists. This will extremely prove a skill-based training to the students. Learning research methodology and biostatistics as a part of skill-based training improves student’s research oriented analytical skills.

Human values development

A doctor should be a good human being for being a successful health care professional. Values are the building blocks of our lives. Basic human values refer to those values which are at the core of being human. They are essential for positive human behavior and actions in our daily lives. They are formed on the basis of interests, choices, needs, desires and preferences. Basic values are truth, honesty, loyalty, love and peace, because they bring out the fundamental goodness of human beings and society at large. Human values are integral part of one’s personality and affects employability quotient. The students having better human values will have better placements, employments and job satisfactions. Value in a human being get established in early childhood but value awareness, ethical awareness and reasoning skills in favor of value based and ethical decision can be improved throughout life. Human values and professional ethics in a combination way influence right conduct, behaviors and decision.

Keeping up this spirit, we emphasize on imbibing human values in budding health care professionals for better patient care.

Personality & professional development

Personality holds the key for development of self-belief which in turn is important for generating self-confidence. Student’s personal growth carries the key to have resonance amongst peers. Personality is multi-factorial comprising of individuals thoughts, behavior & feelings. Even approach of the individual makes his personality positive or negative for world. Psychology drives the personality as personality development is a lifelong process. In health care professional’s personality development carries the key for success not only in personal spheres but also in professional spheres of life. Thus, development of personality is a responsibility of the teaching institution itself.

Professional development generates with greater professional exposure but that does not warrant inculcation of professional ethics in an individual. Most important of professional values are professional ethics & sensitivity. Health care professionals should be well equipped with newer knowledge & professional advances in terms of skills. As health care sector is one of the fastest evolving professions, it’s important that the students adapt well to the newer skills through various schemes implemented by the institution.

Employability skill development

If opportunity does not knock, build a door” - Milton Berle

The greatest education is not only to teach the skill but also to teach how to employ the same. In this fast extremely competitive world, the students should have the ability to survive on the skills learned & practiced over a period of time. Teacher’s responsibility does not end by imparting the knowledge, but he should also teach how to apply the knowledge in the practical world. Employability skill comprises of taking initiatives, showing interest, adapting to new working conditions, communicating well, following discipline and striving to growth of the employer. Employability skill development scheme are conducted for overall growth of students. As it is said, the greatest charity is not to provide bread or money, but it is to provide employability. The Institute rightly believes in the proverb, “If you give man a fish you will feed him for a day, but if you teach a man how to fish, you will feed him for life”.

These Schemes has designed for the students to foster their skill to sharpen, improve and retain their knowledge for continuous improvement in the quality of healthcare services.

I. Objectives:

  1. Soft Skill Development:
    1. To inculcate the leadership qualities amongst the students.
    2. To imbibe team-building skills.
    3. To develop a good perspective towards building a positive pattern and good behavior.
  2. Language and Communication Skill Development
    1. To understand the methods, they use their energy levels to study effectively.
    2. To help them learn the regional language.
    3. To help them learn how to manage themselves better
  3. Yoga and Wellness
    1. To enable students to have good health.
    2. To help them improve concentration and memory to perform better in examination
    3. To make them practice mental hygiene and calmness
  4. Human Value Development
    1. To incorporate moral values that ought to guide the profession
    2. To create awareness, conviction & commitment to values for improving the quality of life
    3. To imbibe positive thinking ability
  5. Analytical Skill Development
    1. To help them learn analytical skills for interpreting data
    2. To make them understand and develop critical thinking skills
    3. To help them learn the application of analytical skills in clinical practice
  6. Personality and Professional Skill Development
    1. To create awareness amongst students on how to Improve work-life balance
    2. Build and Improve Professional Relationships
    3. To inspire and help them define their personal pathway to career success.
  7. Employability Skill Development
    1. To learn social skills and attitude to work together with others
    2. To create empowered high force work power in a competitive world
    3. To develop high order thinking skills

II. Details of the Scheme are as follows*:

*For smooth implementation, 7 Scheme were clustered into three groups.

III. Duration:

For the implementation of the said Scheme, following schedule was finalized.

3 months per semester

IV. Eligibility*:

Students of all faculties can enroll for the above Scheme as follows:

Group A Scheme for First-Year Students

Group B Scheme for Second-year Students

Group C Scheme for Third and Final year Students

*Enrolled students are eligible to attend the Scheme in that cluster during that period.

V. Enrollment form:

Enrollment forms are available on the website as well as in college/ institute.

College wise contact details:

Dr. Rajsingh Mohite, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences (9011571092)

Dr. Amit Jadhav, School of Dental Sciences (9970234990)

Dr. Poonam Patil, Krishna College of Physiotherapy (8806111153)

Mrs. Nutan J. Potdar, Krishna Institute of Nursing Sciences (9822999014)

Mr. Anup Patil, Krishna Institute of Pharmacy (9096801200)

Mrs. Jayshree Nanaware, Krishna Institute of Allied Sciences (7721838534)