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Campus Life

Do More! Learn More!! See More!!! Create More!!!! Live More!!!!!
At KVV the sprawling campus with its picturesque surrounding, serene environment, fully equipped sports complex, spacious hostels, extensive library, Wi-fi connectivity, a number of eateries there is everything that you would want to feel at home.

Do More!
Full of vibrant energy, the passion for life and a zest for all that is good can best describe out students. And keeping up is no easy task, but we always give our students the best of everything. A fully equipped sports complex with tennis & badminton courts, gymnasium and other sports activities offer a much needed break from the hectic daily schedules. Action is always around the corner, so just grab your track suit and Do More!

Learn More!!
As a student of health science there is always so much more to learn. A packed academic calendar with number of different conferences, CMEs, workshops help our students learn much more than their academic course. An extensively managed and regularly updated library, subscription to a number of different journals, newsletters and bulletins helps students keep abreast with the changes in the every innovating world of medicine. Books, Internet, Magazines, Newspapers, Bulletins and many such options let you Learn More!!

See More!!!
Set on the foothills of “Agashiv” mountain, the greenery is always a window away. A well maintained and clean campus is always a pleasing sight welcoming students from the time they step in the campus. Whatever your passions may be there is a place to accommodate it. If you like to hike the mountain ranges of Sahyadri offer many options, if you wish to shop for premium brands cities like Kolhapur, Pune are a few hours’ drive, if adventure sports drive you then Panchgani is the place to visit, if historical places are your cup of tea then there are abundant forts, museums and palaces that you can visit. And if that was not enough for the outgoing soul a number of day trip places around the campus lets you See More!!!

Create More!!!!
An inquisitive and curious mind always finds an opportunity to do something more. The best satisfaction and reward is creation, creation of something that appeals to the intellect of others. At KVV we believe that research provides you with a window that opens into the future. Upholding this belief are our students and staff looking for new subjects to work on, new fields of research, exploring new spaces that have yet been left untapped. Currently KVV boasts for 15 patents that it has filed for. The potential for growth is infinite, so come, lets Create More!!!!

Live More!!!!!
Hostels at KVV are well-lit with spacious rooms, individual cupboard, bed, study table and chair. The Hostels offer a number of different facilities in the building itself like hygienic kitchen & dining hall, recreation room, study room, visitors room. The hostels are looked after by a number of service staff under guidance from the warden and the Rector who are individually appointed for every hostel. Fun is always a part of hostel life but not at the expense of discipline. A strict in-out timing schedule and anti-ragging regulations ensure peace of mind for both the guardians as well as their wards. Keeping out any unwanted elements is our in-house security that is omnipresent on the campus 24*7. Offering a variety for every taste bud are a number of food outlets in the campus as well multi-cuisine restaurants around the campus. Campus life comes only but once, so Live More!!!!!