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Recent Developments and Challenges in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Indian pharmaceutical industry is the 3rd largest in the world by volume and 14th largest in terms of value. India also ranks first in terms of generic drugs manufactured globally. India is global leader in supply of DPT, BCG and measles vaccines and which accounts for 60% of global vaccine production.

Access to affordable HIV treatment from India is one of the greatest success stories in medicine. India ranks second after china in terms of manufacture of Active pharmaceutical ingredients. India is labeled as “Pharmacy of the world’‘as it is able to fulfill the global requirements of quality medicines at affordable cost.

Indian Pharmaceutical industries are at par with any pharmaceutical industry across globe and we have our manufacturing units approved by various agencies like USFDA, TGA, and MHRA etc., which enable our medicines to be exported pan world. Pharma sector currently contributes to around 1.72% of country’s GDP. It is major component of country’s foreign trade with attractive avenues and opportunities for investors.

The Indian pharmaceutical industry is growing at a very rapid rate with CAGR of 13 %. It is highly regulated and continuously evolving industry in terms of technology, processes, equipment and techniques. Young pharmacy graduates/ professionals need to upgrade themselves in the changing scenarios of artificial intelligence, machine learning and digital technology.

Aim of the current conference is to discuss recent developments, opportunities and challenges in various domains of pharmaceutical sciences like Drug Design and Discovery, Natural Products, Formulation Design and Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics and Systems Pharmacology, Translational and Personalized Medicine, Biotechnology, Analytical Sciences and Quality Control, Regulatory Science, clinical pharmacy, clinical research, medical coding, medical transcription and pharmacovigilance

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