Public Health Dentistry

Head of Department :
Dr. Shivakumar KM
Professor & Head.
About Department Of Public Health Dentistry
The department of Public Health Dentistry, SDS, KVV, is involved with training of undergraduate students in the theoretical and practical aspects of dental public health, as well as in oral health research. In addition to this, the department is involved in various health programmes, social welfare initiatives, rural health and school health programmes.
The Department of Public Health Dentistry, SDS, KVV shares the vision of Krishna Charitable Trust of providing education with excellence, with a social face.
To improve the oral health of the community, thereby alleviating the quality of life.
- To promote oral health and provide resources towards the same.
- To involve people in their own health
- To be a trusted resource for oral health information in the community.
- To conduct research and identify effective strategies for improvement of oral health.
Important Infrastructure
Dental Museum: The School of Dental Sciences, KVV, Karad has a well-equipped dental museum consisting of more than 150 attractive educative items spread in a hall measuring 600 ft2 with variety of charts, models, banners, posters and many other health educative materials talking about, oral health, general health, tobacco and its effects, oral health services available, history of dentistry and variety of topics of interest for the patients as well as the students. The museum is also equipped with multimedia and public address systems consisting of television, DVD player, loud speakers, microphones etc. where the patients are educated through the means of movies, documentaries and other audio-visual aids prepared by the students of school of dental sciences.
Portable Dental Unit: Portable dental services eliminate the transportation barrier by bringing the service to the community. The department provides a greater assistance to home bound, elderly, differently abled individuals living in those out of reach places through this unit.
Mobile Dental Van: The Mobile Dental Van is a manifestation of a concept of “bringing dental health services to the doorstep of the needy”.
Treatment offered on wheels (mobile Dental van) include;
- Oral prophylaxis,
- Extraction of tooth,
- Tooth fillings,
- Minor surgical procedures
- Preventive procedures
Teaching Learning Method
- Lectures
- Clinical Discussions

Dr. Shivakumar KM
Professor & Head.
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Dr.Shivakumar KM is currently working as a Professor & HOD, Department of Public Health Dentistry, School of Dental Sciences, Krishna Vishwa Vidyapeeth, Karad, Maharashtra, India since 2012. I obtained Masters degree from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore in 2007. I published more than 89 research articles in various national and International high impact journals. As on today, my articles have been cited 2500 times (Scopus), 6200 times (Web of Science) and 4600 times (Google scholars) with an individual h-index of 22 (Scopus), which is highest in the history of KVV, Karad. I published 4 textbooks and 5 copyrights to my credit. My areas of interest are Epidemiology of various oral diseases, Bio-statistics, Research methodology, Preventive dentistry, Good proficiency in Medical/Dental Education technology. As per my views, Education is fundamental for achieving full human potential, developing an equitable and promoting national development. I am planning to work towards in providing universal access to quality professional education as the key to India’s continued ascent, and leadership on the global stage in terms of economic growth, social justice and equality, scientific advancement, national integration, and cultural preservation.

Dr. Asmita Ramesh Hamand
Assistant Professor
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Events, Webinar, Workshop, Conference
Sr. No | Title of the paper | Name of the Author/s | Name of the Journal | Month of Publication |